Monday, March 30, 2009
It was lex's birthday last saturday (and i know its a lil late to say happy birthday but still...)
Since its your birthday, I should dedicate a small segment of my pretty blogpost to you. right?
All those times you called me to talk rubbish while i was eating and causing me to choke, i'll never forget. And somehow these phonecalls can last to over an hour. The very fact that you've got so much to say bout girls, just goes to show that girls ARE like awesome creatures lor. Girls can do stuff better than guys. Lemme hear an Amen to that!
Although i always tell you to "f*** off", you know i dont mean it :)
To those times when you call me to ask for advice (ON GIRLS, TSKTSK) , i really do try my hardest to help out, but most of the time you dont take my advice though you asked for it -.-"
To the other day when we hung out with Crystal, i was really happy seeing the both of you walk together. Its so cute luh. I mean, you both look really cute together. Honestly! Andand its really great that i can click well with Crystal. When i'm on the phone with her, its hella awesome when we're making fun of you. HAHAHA. but dont take it to heart luh. Yknow what they say.. teasing is a form of showing affection. *coughcough* (pssst, ITS A SIGN FROM HER)
She's a really nice girl, and lex, you're a very sweet boy. This is the first time i see you so serious about a girl. She sooo passed my "lex's-future-girlfriend-must-go-through-me" test. I wish you both all the best yeh, treat her well! or else you'd be losing your balls. (hahah just kidding)
I'm always here for you, ahpek! May our friendship last long.
Love you luh friend (:
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah i sho shweet horzxz. HAHAHA wtf.
Okay anyway, just an update, the past few days ive been like busy with stuff. One shytload of assignments.
On saturday after cellgroup, Lex and I went to meet Crystal. Then we headed to town to meet Akid, Muhaimin, Awang and Zul. Apparently the only reason why the guys and i followed Lex to town was cause he "wanted to buy stuff" and wanted me to follow him. but when we arrived at town he said he was gonna watch a movie with Crystal instead. SMACK YOU SIA LEX. I GO ALL THE WAY TO ORCHARD FOR NOTHING. HAHAHA. but nehmind, the consolation is that i got to meet Crystal.
after that me, akid and his friends headed to Plaza Sing to eat and buy my beer. Do you know, i love going to Plaza Sing on weekdays? Cuz Cold Storage wouldnt be flooded with people. Can get alot of free candy sia. But since it was a saturday, freakin weekend, it was pretty damn packed, so oh wells, couldnt grab stuff. Oh yeh, i made Zul queue freakin long just to buy my can of beer. HAHAHA. I felt so bad luh. the queue so damn long, and he had to wait just to buy one pathetic can of beer for me. But he was legal! I wasnt! ): so no choice lor, make him queue. HAHAH SORRY ZUL. And yes, the beer was yummmyyyyyyyyyyy. :D
I was drinking it at Istana Park actually. We went to Istana park after PS to go play cards and slack slack. Imagine what happens when Sara drinks a can of beer too fast, plus the effect of many ciggarettes. One hella retard.. Even I admit it. HAHAH. Then poor akid so clueless bout how to control me. Apparently i was first talking about wanting 3 more cans of beer, then i started laughing, and next i was talking about how there were only 2 stars in the Sky.
Now i know why terrence runs away everytime im high. Tskkk -.-"
But its okay, i know Akid wouldnt have to deal with a high sara again. Cuz he doesnt want me to drink. And im officially not allowed to drink when im with him. AKID SO FIERCE. hmph. hahahhaha.
And just so you know, this afternoon i mixed whiskey and root beer and gulped it all down while my mom was out. :/ omg somethings wrong with me luh, but the taste of whiskey/vodka so nice. I know im alot more sober now. I just read all the msges i sent Akid while i was a lil tipsy, and i burst out laughing. HAHAHAHA FKIN FUNNY. I TOLD HIM I WAS DANCING TO MTV, then what else uh, OH YA, THAT I WAS PLAYING WITH WATER IN THE TOILET, AND I FOLDED A PAPER PLANE WITH TISSUE PAPER BUT IT COULDNT FLY. HAHAHAHHAHAHA.
omg im so entertained with myself. wtfwtf.
I should stop touching alcohol, any form of it. not even Jolly Shandy. okay maybe Jolly Shandy is excusable, cuz its kinda yummy. but the rest should really be cut down.
And ciggies too, i just finished a pack today, and i need another. ): Guess i'll use the same technique as last time, cut down cut down cut down until i eventually can do without it. Stop smoking sara! you dont want black lungs! :O
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Today after school went to meet Akid, Muhaimin, and Awang @ Jurong East and then we took a train down to Bukit Batok. HAHA we travel like as if train rides freeflow sia. From Queenstown i go to Jurong East, and from Jurong East, we head to Bukit Batok. my gawd. hahaha but its fine with me. At least i got to see *ahem ahem* :D (eh akid, not you okay, i was referring to Malik. HAHAHAH BROTHERLERK FER LIFE.) okay im kidding luh boy. Malik's pretty fascinating though... he kicks the soccer ball with such style. I should call it the flamingo kick. hahahaha.
I tell you, the three of them damn funny sia, although most of the time i hardly understand what they're saying cuz they're like communicating in malay. but at least akid's my translator. (:
My Istana park boy sho cute. HAHAHAHA.
Aaaaaaaand, the song Shah sent me is now officially stuck in my head too. alamak. HAHA good song thou. Heartless by Kanye West. Go google it, it really is the shiz.
Monday, March 23, 2009
So anyway, i should post up something before i go M.I.A for a significant period of time.
I could actually name this post like "Friends might be your worst nightmare" or something. but its okay, i'll just stick to my usual numbering system, so my blog wouldnt be any bit confusing. Therefore this post title is none other than "#14".
"To save yourself from appearing vulnerable, you make up stories in an attempt to cover the tracks you left behind. Now let me ask you something. Is it worth it?"
Its funny how people function, really. One moment everyone seems so into you, but the next moment, they're talking behind your backs. And hell man, i dont mean like talking good shyt. I mean like literally bitching.
I'm not saying i dont do that, i AM guilty of such a thing. But tell me, surely you people have done such a thing too right? Or maybe you're actually still doing it. I dont know. I aint psychic.
But my point is, its pretty amazing how even 'friends' can be such awesome liars. Like, they say things to make you feel good and stuff, they laugh along with you, but truth is, they actually kinda dislike you.
Okay, in case you're wondering, i'm not pinpointing any of my friends, i swear. Im blogging about this cuz it crossed my mind. After watching MTV's The Hills, it gave me even more reason to blog about this topic.
I know The Hills very drama mama luh k. but its based on real life events. if it happens in Los Angeles, same thing can happen in Singapore, i bet even in Zimbabwe have lor.
[[ HAHAHA i wonder what Zimbabwens(?) have got to bitch about..
" *insert KNNCCB in Zimbabwen language* That bastard stole my goat eh!"
HAHAH wtf. Goat gone then goat gone luh, alamak. ]]
well. anyway, as i was saying..
How many of your friends actually back you up if someone else bitches about you to em'?
Would you expect them to get into defense mode for you, or dyou think they're gonna go along with it and add on to the bitching?
Me: "hohoho, you scared now anot? You better threaten all your close friends to say good things about you behind your back or else you'll voodoo them."
LOL keh kidding luh.
And guys, this is not entirely a female topic, guys commit such sins too okay. ADMIT IT LUH.
Girls bitch, Guys bitch, same thing lor, only difference is that one has a pussy and the other; a dick. Geez.
See, i just HAD to point the whole bitching thing out.
Oh and i just have have HAVE to say this too.
"when you finally read between the lines, imagine me shooting you back with an 'I TOLD YOU SO'. Go figure, you bitch."
I think my post very contradicting. LOL!!
Saturday, March 21, 2009

i can only imagine...

doesnt mean im psychotic, doesnt mean i'm freaky, im just a special kid with special needs. >:D
Okay luh whatever.
I should just skip all the nonsense and head straight to my main point. KEH moral of today's post is.... GUYS, DONT GET TOO BUFF. some of you might think its like hot orrr.. something along that line. i dont know, maybe you guys think its sexy when you apply oil on your "nicely" pumped up bodies and prance around the beach looking like Honey Glazed Chickens.
BUT truth is, (oh yeh, the cold hard truth which you gotta suck on) YOU AINT THE LEAST BIT SEXY LOR. You look so un-huggable, know why? you look like you could potentially kill someone if you give them your so called 'friendly' hugs. And know something? Girls actually do like hugs. Makes em feel nice and warm on the inside. Yknow, Butterflies in their tummies.. Sad to say, you buff daddies kill those butterflies. aww.
I mean like, why bother being so damn muscular IF you're trying to attract the opposite sex? Firstly, I dont think its very attractive, and secondly, i think the only things you attract are aliens.
hahahahaha something like this maybe? F.Y.I, i think my alien is pretty damn sexy thankyouverymuch. even its lil' UFO has pretty lights. :D how cute.
Back to what i was saying, dont bother trying to prove to em girls that you work hard to keep your body in shape. "IN SHAPE" (chyehh right... ) The hard work could be used for something else. Maybe working out in bed with a girl? Do it often and long enough, maybe the guy could grow some muscles if he does it hard.
Keh im not getting in on that topic. Only for me and Akid to discuss. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. WTF SIA.
I think im done ranting for the day. Goodbye earthlings, dont miss me too much (like what Ashleen said)
(10:27 PM) little ngionya k: dunno leh, miss you la, ryan also
(10:27 PM) [SARA] :lolol miss me in what way
(10:30 PM) little ngionya k: in the dont get to meet sara way
)': Me miss you both too. We'll hang out soon keh. Just you, me and Dupree. I mean, RYAN. LAAAAAAAAAAAAAME. hahahahhaa okayokay, You, Me and Ryan luh! :)
Friday, March 20, 2009
This time, This place
Misused, Mistakes
Too long, Too late

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I can imagine an ahbeng's reaction to this picture. "WAHHH! THIS GAL SURE KNOW HOW TO HAVE FUN ONE ORH." "SOCIAL BUTTEFRYY"
THOSE PICTURES ARENT EVEN HERS, and her caption would prolly be something like "omg, i was so drunk, J. Smith took this picture of me". Desperate piece of @(*&@!(*&@!*&)!
ANDANDAND YKNOW WHATS THE BEST PART? THE GIRL CAN HAPPILY ADD ALL MY GUY FRIENDS (fer sure would be guys) and then she'll call me and tell me "Eh Sara, you know *insert guy friend's name* uh! I KNOW HIM TOO, WOW, COINCIDENCE."
COINCIDENCE, MY ASS LUH COINCIDENCE. you can add em all you want, but fact is, they couldnt care less about you and what you do or say.
Well i've got more news for you lil missy, my friends think you're doing a very good job at creating a fake image of yourself. :D Maybe you should try posting real pictures of yourself. Oh wait, i think you did. This picture seems pretty believable huh?
Know why? Cuz the girl look like Indonesian Maid. OOPS!3Z, D!D ! JUSTT SAY TH^T OUT L0UD?! TEEHEEHEEEZ. (Oh My, ! CAN tYp3 l!ke Y0U)
Yknow,I actually cared (notice the past-tense) about you, but the things you do and say really get on my nerve. Remember that time where you would fake being angry at me, and then later on laugh it off asking me this "did i succeed in being a mean bitch?". whats up with that? like, how old are you man, 5? I didnt know being a bitch was something to be proud of. Well if it is to you, then why not let me help you boost your ego, BITCH.
guess what. i officially dont wanna have anything to do with you anymore.
Before i end, here's a song, i think its fitting for you. Have fun emo-ing to the lyrics. OH DAMN, I ALMOST FORGOT TO MENTION, pay attention to the chorus! :)
Small, simple, safe price. Rise the wake and carry me with all of my regrets. This is not a small cut that scabs, and dries, and flakes, and heals. And I am not afraid to die. I'm not afraid to bleed, and fuck, and fight. I want the pain of payment. What's left, but a section of pigmy size cuts. Much like a slew of a thousand unwanted fucks. Would you be my little cut? Would you be my thousand fucks? And make mark leaving space for the guilt to be liquid. To fill, and spill over, and under my thoughts. My sad, sorry, selfish cry out to the cutter. I'm cutting trying to picture your black broken heart. Love is not like anything. Especially a fucking knife.
Look at me. Can you tell, By the way I move and do my hair? Do you think that it's me, Or is it not me?
I don't even care. I'm alive, I don't smell. I'm the cleanest I have ever been. I feel big, I feel tall, I feel dry. Dry.
Just look at me, look at me now. I'm a fake, I'm a fake, I'm fake, I'm fake. Just look at me, look at me now. I'm a fake, I'm a fake, I'm fake, I'm fake.
Do I drink?Do I date? I've got perfect placements .All my ink satisfied, In your eyes. I'm the biggest fan that I've got right now. I made sure that I look how I wanted to look. The people around me, The people surround me. I feel big, I feel tall, I feel dry. Dry.
Just look at me, look at me now. I'm a fake, I'm a fake, I'm fake, I'm fake. My stomach hurts now, And all tied off in lace. I pray, I beg, for anything to hit me in the face. And this sickness isn't me. I pray to fall from grace. The last thing I see is feeling.
And I'm telling you I'm a fake. Just look at me, look at me now. I'm a fake, I'm a fake, I'm fake, I'm fake.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

SEE. Cannot be compared to M---'s gf. tsktsk. But Mehndi Randhawa, you dont need him cuz you'll always have me. :D
Aaaaaaaaaaaaand other than that, i have nothing much to blog about. Life's not too fun these days. And plus, i miss someone. pretty damn badly :/
Monday, March 16, 2009
well kinda. except for the fact that the top i bought from Mango last time has officially been verbally-vandalised thanks to Wendell.
YKNOW WHAT HE SAID? "Sara your top looks like my boxers" HAHAHAHA FUCK. NO LORRRRRRRRRRRRR IT DOESNT. Thanks uh, i paid 25 bucks for a top that looks like your boxers. pfft.
During my break, called Akid, but i couldnt hear half the things he said cuz the canteen was like a jungle. So noisy ): HAHA i kept going "huh?" and like repeating what he said. Like retard sia. HAHAHA. sorrayeeeeeeeeee.
Our lecturer sat with us during our break and even went out to smoke with us. HAHAHA he damn funny please.. Such an entertaining lecturer.
the first time i went for his class, i thought he was a grumpy old man who's got no life so he'll just spend his time teaching. Man, i was so wrong. This guy quite hip and happening sia. Even offered me a ciggie. hahahahahhaa. wow.
After school ended, bumped into MAX. OMGOMGOMGOMGOG OF ALL PEOPLE, HIM?! WHY'S HE IN MY SCHOOL DAMMIT. He should enroll himself in the "I-wanna-learn-how-to-get-laid" school. Fkin ass supposedly wanted to do something with me when i was drunk.
He is one freaky dude man... seriously. he has the rapist look on his face.
so thats basically all that happened today. Im gonna be busy busy busy tonight, cuz im gonna start doing my econs assignment. if i delay any longer, i might as well say goodbye to all my marks.
C'mon Sara! You can do it :D
my conscience, if i were super smart: "its ONLY 2000 words afterall. only. only? oh my, easy peasy."
but here's my conscience at this point: "2000 words?! wtf. someone skin me alive. HOW TO DO A 2000 WORD ESSAY."
tsktsk i so stressed already.

(The girl is so pretty. tsktsk. Her name is Summer Smith.)
See, a side by side comparison. LOOK ANYTHING LIKE ME ANOT! HAHAHA.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
firstly he thought i was Malay. (okay all of Mel's friends asked the same thing "sara, are you mixed?" "you malay uh?") Classic sia.
secondly he thought i was a 20 yr old. (WTF?!)
thirdly he was staring at me from afar cuz he thought i was hot. (HAHAHAHHAHAHA)
fourthly, turns out that he actually DOES think im hot. (DOUBLE AHAHHAHHA)
fiftly. uhhhhhh.... nothing luh.
TSKTSK. i can feel my ego bursting outta my body. HAHAH kidding luh.
But oh wells. At least both Mehndi and I got compliments today. (:
Mehndi's still the most gorgeous girl ever. and she's mineminemine.
Anyway, after i left dhoby ghaut, i went to meet Terrence and Clam cuz i was soooooo hungry, and i was too high at that point. HAHAHAH terrence kept calling me a retard cuz i was laughing every damn second at nothing. i wasnt walking straight, and i couldnt keep my mouth shut.
At least he accompanied me back home. SO THANK YOU TERRY :B love you luh bro, sorry bout just now.
and to those people i texted while i was high, im sorry too. my fingers were fucked up and so was my head.
wheeeeeeeeeeeee. i cannot sleep now. IS THIS THE AFTER EFFECT OF ALCOHOL? maybe not. Maybe its just Craig David's Insomnia playing repeatedly in my head.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Not going for the gig. (sucks big time)
Prolly not going for Mosaic today either.
So wooohooo to that. A week's plan has just gone down the drain.
gah. ):
Friday, March 13, 2009

keh better observe uh!
#1- He had teeny teeny eyes. which were really shaped like those sunflower seeds my hamster eats.
#2- HAHA I USED A BRUSH TO DRAW HIS EYEBROWS. In other words he has thick eyebrows luh. bodoh.
#3- He had a pervertic grin. Really really pervertic. In fact, my drawing isnt even close to the pervertic aura that he was diffusing. cant blame me, i didnt know how to draw a cheeko grin okay.. Somemore my drawing of the mouth looks like he's expressing this: "hey baby, im rich, can i buy you a drink?" SORRY IM NOT A BORN ARTIST LUH. I GIVE MYSELF AN F GRADE. okay maybe for my effort, an F+. PFFT.
#4- His hair had the rough rough texture. like coconut husk. I recommend Bed Head hair products, really works.
#5- ohoh, see his shorts? there's a bulge. He was having a hard-on watching two nicely dressed girls crossing the road lor.
............................... *crik crik*
OKAY FINE. I DIDNT SEE THAT HE HAD A HARD-ON OKAY? I just wanted to draw something to fill the empty space in my microsoft-paint's frame. otherwise he'd have a half body which would seem like he was born without legs. I actually drew the "bulge" (that curvy line) by accident. But it looked so perfect there, i couldnt bear to erase it off. HAHAHAHA.
#6- And the guy's hand was on the steering wheel. Heehee, i so observant. My steering wheel looks really pathetic, but then again, cant blame me for not knowing how to draw well.
#7- The lil patches on his shirt, yeh those are holes. HAHAHA i wasnt drawing ugly designs on the shirt okayy... i drew em to represent holey holes. Cuz he construction worker whatttttttttt! bound to have holes in the shirt right!
The two hairless heads i drew, thats me and audrey. i couldnt be bothered to draw hair. hahahha waste time sia. See our expressions ( i know, so cute right?), mouths so wide open that even a fly could make its nest in there. A- Audrey. S- Sara. CKP- CHEEKOPEK. HAHAHAH.
Anyway, the whole point of today's blogpost is, NEVER GO TO UBI AREA ALONE. You're bound to get RAPED especially if you're a girl!
okay just kidding. But seriously, (and i'm sorry Josh, cuz you live at Ubi) UBI IS FLOODED WITH CREEPY MEN** OKAY. They should set up a creepy men alarm lor, but even so, it would prolly be ringing every damn second. HAWHAW. i feel so mean.
**doesnt apply to Josh and his (male) family members.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
"Take a breath I pull myself together
Just another step until I reach the door
You'll never know the way it tears me up inside to see you
Ooh Ooh
I wish that I could tell you something
Ooh Ooh
To take it all away
Sometimes I wish I could save you
And there's so many things that I want you to know
I won't give up til it's over
If it takes you forever I want you to know
When I hear your voice it's drowning in the whispers
You're just skin and bones
There's nothing left to take and no matter what I do
I can't make you feel better
Ooh Ooh
If only I could find the answer
Ooh Ooh
To help me understand
Sometimes I wish I could save you
And there's so many things that I want you to know
I won't give up til it's over
If it takes you forever I want you to know that
If you fall, stumble down
I'll pick you up off the ground
If you lose faith in you
I'll give you strength to pull through
Tell me you won't give up
Cause I'll be waiting if you fall you know
I'll be there for you
Ooh Ooh
If only I could find the answer
Ooh Ooh
To take it all away
Sometimes I wish I could save you
And there's so many things that I want you to know
I won't give up til it's over
If it takes you forever I want you to know
I wish I could save you
I want you to know
I wish I could save you "
Okay honestly i think the ooh ooh part is really stupid, but in the song it doesnt sound as erotic as it does in the lyrics. so thats a good thing.
but anyway, look past all the "ooh ooh's" and read the lyrics. Its a nice song to have your own lil emo-session to. HAHA. NOT THAT IM HAVING ONE, but i'm just saying.
I know the lyrics are just sooooooo predictable like that part when they said "If you fall, stumble down, i'll pick you up off the ground" I THINK i could write such things when i was like what, primary 5?
But its alot better compared to these.
(See luh, emo songs all the same kind know)
Hawthorne Heights- "Cut my wrists and black my eyes"
Silverstein- "When you're lying in your bed. Your eulogie's been read. You know that it's fitting, you lied."
The Used- "This is not a small cut that scabs, and dries, and flakes, and heals."
Just take a look at the lyrics these bands come up with. The lyrics like so creepy horzxzxz?
Its all about dying, EULOGIES (my gawd), and of all things, SCABS. wtf. They describe the scab until damn graphic somemore. So what're we supposed to do, FEED ON THESE GORY LYRICS? pfft. I'd rather live off my own happy lyrics lor.
Come, let me try writing my own song.
Stanza: Rainbows, Clouds, and Fairies.
Lets skip around and pick some berries. (WOW, SEE I CAN RHYME)
Chorus: la la la la la.
woohoo woohoo.
Feed on these happy lyrics,
breathe it. eat it. suck on it.
Hawhawhaw. The stanza i just came up with is really beyond retarded, and its more like a song people would sing in happy cults..
cb, the song would only last only 15 seconds, in fact i cant even consider it a song, its more like a chant.
Tsk. Screw it luh. No one would appreciate my lyrics in times of recession.
And please dont take me seriously about those lyrics i just wrote. its utter rubbish. I can write better songs. Really! (but dont bother testing me though)
I'm a deeep deeeeeeeep person, so deep that even the newly discovered one eyed shark freak that came out from the underworld couldnt reach.
Like i said, deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.
hahahah naw just kidding.
Im so bored, and when im bored, my brain generates nonsensical stuff.
I know what you're thinking luh k. "Sara, go do your assignments can anot!" Like what am i, psychic or something? hahah.
I just have this last thing to say. Im soooooo attracted to John Travolta during his younger days. Now that he's old he looks like an overboiled potato. Fat, with wrinky skin on the outside.
Maybe when im done with my assignments, I'll go have my own Movie Mania (only me, me, me and myself are invited). And im gonna watch GREASE. everytime that word appears, the theme song automatically starts playing in my head. "grease is the time, is the place, is the motion."
Thats the very first movie i've ever watched in my life. So of course, it has sentimental value okay...
If i were so dedicated to that movie,
maybe i'll call my future daughter Sandy and my future son Danny. Or maybe not, cuz Sandy fell in love with Danny, and vice versa. Wait next time so suay, really happen between my son and daughter. So incest. eww much..
Why am i talking about kids anyway.
Oh right, cuz i love em. If only there was a Zoo for kids, like a kids zoo. Yknow, instead of placing animals in em, you place children. Cute children on display.
And yet again, i shouldnt entertain this thought, I'm starting to sound really really psycho.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
ANDANDAND, the more i flip, something else catches my attention.
I just HAD to write a "yum yum" there. After Mosaic, i'm so gonna head down to Haagen-Dazs. I'm gonna indulge myself in ice cream and maybe i'll finally put on some weight. but dont worry, i'll never grow like obese cuz i've got a high metabolism rate. MWAHAHAHA. IN YOUR FACE.
keh im done talking about Mosaic. Maybe after attending the event, i'd have more to say.
And I cant be bothered to blog much about what MDIS sent me, its some contract thingy. BOOO TO THAT. Dont rip me off my money, I aint paying any more for whatever fucked up "student care" service you're providing us students. >
hmph.Tuesday, March 10, 2009

One thing to say: Audrey is my darling. <3
see luh, never pay attention in class, take peeeekchure all. tsk. hahah.
Got home real late last night, cuz i was out with Josh. We went to watch He's Just Not That Into You. oooh man, the guys acting were so hot know.. and Scarlett Johansson (whom i thought was named Holly Brooks. LOL WHERE DID I GET THAT NAME FROM, i wonder..) has really really huge boobs, i never realised.
Eh, im not lesbian okay, but who can resist staring at em big boobies huh?
I have a serious tendency of getting their friggin' names wrong. I thought one of the girls was Meg Ryan, but yeh, turns out there's no Meg Ryan acting in that movie. -.-"<--- so twit-like horzxzxz?
THEN YKNOW I ACT LIKE I SO SMART, STILL CAN TELL JOSH "EH, THATS MEG RYAN KNOW." HAHAHAH. First a "Holly Brooks", and next a "Meg Ryan", two idiotic strikes. My gawd I feel so stupid please...HAHA Keh sorry luh, Next time i should memorise the names of the actors/actresses from the movie posters before i say anything. He said she had "ogre ears" WTF . LOL! Orgre ears = tragic case.
anyway back to what i was saying, got home late, but i enjoyed myself. Or more like i enjoy talking to him, be it nonsense or something serious. (: woohoo! (keh, the woohoo was pretty unnecessary)
Tonight im gonna call Mehndi Baby. Miss her too much. Hope she's doing okay, we've been so busy with stuff that we havent talked for weeks. But whatever it is, she knows im here for her no matter what and I love her.
Guess what? Keh nehmind, i tell you. Im so hungry now. I could eat a horse, and a cow, and whatever farm animal you're thinking of. You may insert your own farm animal here --> Sara is so hungry, she could eat a _______.
See, my blog so people-friendly and interactive. hahahaha. If there're giving out an award for the stupidest-interactive-blog-that-newly-just-started, must vote for Miss Huang okay. Eh Nono i mean Miss Sara (which is me, f.y.i). Miss Huang makes me sound like i come from China. No thanks please, and in case you havent noticed, i speak in vehhhhhhh high-crust engrishh okay! better than China peeper lorhzxz.
Anyway, Im done ranting. GOODBYE EARTHLINGS. You may now close my blog window in peace.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Was out with Terrence, Derek and Clam just now. slacking at void decks and using my laptop at Mac's. For some strange reason, they always know how to make me smile. Fools. (:
"Sara, dont look so sad. we still love you."
I love you guys too. Thanks for cheering me up keh. The best brothers ever.
I cant wait for tomorrow. Cuz in the afternoon, I'd get to see my friends in school. They really are a fun group to hang with. 3 hours of lesson and school's over. Moreover, at night Josh and I would be going out to watch a moooovie. woohoo! cantwaitcantwait.
Saturday didnt work out so well cuz it was raining so freakin heavily. I was at cellgroup, and Josh was stuck at home. So instead of saturday, we'll be meeting tmr night.
Next week would be pretty eventful. One of the weekdays i would be heading down to Avery's studio to keep Mr.Damian Steven company. Havent seen my friend for so long, its high time we did some catching up.
This coming saturday afternoon, i would prolly be heading down to Telok Ayer Performing Arts Centre to catch IkilledKenny! and For Better Endings. Ben's and Damian's band respectively. Gotta support the local scene, gotta support my friends. Anyway, here's an image of the flyer.

As you can see, 14th march, both IkilledKenny! and For Better Endings would be performing on the same day. Two really really good bands are playing alongside others which are just as awesome. Check out their myspace for more info!
Telok Ayer Performing Arts Centre is about a 100m walk straight ahead from Tanjong Pagar MRT's Exit G. That colourful building you'd see, yeh, thats the place.
Be sure to head down everyone!