keh better observe uh!
#1- He had teeny teeny eyes. which were really shaped like those sunflower seeds my hamster eats.
#2- HAHA I USED A BRUSH TO DRAW HIS EYEBROWS. In other words he has thick eyebrows luh. bodoh.
#3- He had a pervertic grin. Really really pervertic. In fact, my drawing isnt even close to the pervertic aura that he was diffusing. cant blame me, i didnt know how to draw a cheeko grin okay.. Somemore my drawing of the mouth looks like he's expressing this: "hey baby, im rich, can i buy you a drink?" SORRY IM NOT A BORN ARTIST LUH. I GIVE MYSELF AN F GRADE. okay maybe for my effort, an F+. PFFT.
#4- His hair had the rough rough texture. like coconut husk. I recommend Bed Head hair products, really works.
#5- ohoh, see his shorts? there's a bulge. He was having a hard-on watching two nicely dressed girls crossing the road lor.
............................... *crik crik*
OKAY FINE. I DIDNT SEE THAT HE HAD A HARD-ON OKAY? I just wanted to draw something to fill the empty space in my microsoft-paint's frame. otherwise he'd have a half body which would seem like he was born without legs. I actually drew the "bulge" (that curvy line) by accident. But it looked so perfect there, i couldnt bear to erase it off. HAHAHAHA.
#6- And the guy's hand was on the steering wheel. Heehee, i so observant. My steering wheel looks really pathetic, but then again, cant blame me for not knowing how to draw well.
#7- The lil patches on his shirt, yeh those are holes. HAHAHA i wasnt drawing ugly designs on the shirt okayy... i drew em to represent holey holes. Cuz he construction worker whatttttttttt! bound to have holes in the shirt right!
The two hairless heads i drew, thats me and audrey. i couldnt be bothered to draw hair. hahahha waste time sia. See our expressions ( i know, so cute right?), mouths so wide open that even a fly could make its nest in there. A- Audrey. S- Sara. CKP- CHEEKOPEK. HAHAHAH.
Anyway, the whole point of today's blogpost is, NEVER GO TO UBI AREA ALONE. You're bound to get RAPED especially if you're a girl!
okay just kidding. But seriously, (and i'm sorry Josh, cuz you live at Ubi) UBI IS FLOODED WITH CREEPY MEN** OKAY. They should set up a creepy men alarm lor, but even so, it would prolly be ringing every damn second. HAWHAW. i feel so mean.
**doesnt apply to Josh and his (male) family members.
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