I can imagine an ahbeng's reaction to this picture. "WAHHH! THIS GAL SURE KNOW HOW TO HAVE FUN ONE ORH." "SOCIAL BUTTEFRYY"
THOSE PICTURES ARENT EVEN HERS, and her caption would prolly be something like "omg, i was so drunk, J. Smith took this picture of me". Desperate piece of @(*&@!(*&@!*&)!
ANDANDAND YKNOW WHATS THE BEST PART? THE GIRL CAN HAPPILY ADD ALL MY GUY FRIENDS (fer sure would be guys) and then she'll call me and tell me "Eh Sara, you know *insert guy friend's name* uh! I KNOW HIM TOO, WOW, COINCIDENCE."
COINCIDENCE, MY ASS LUH COINCIDENCE. you can add em all you want, but fact is, they couldnt care less about you and what you do or say.
Well i've got more news for you lil missy, my friends think you're doing a very good job at creating a fake image of yourself. :D Maybe you should try posting real pictures of yourself. Oh wait, i think you did. This picture seems pretty believable huh?
Know why? Cuz the girl look like Indonesian Maid. OOPS!3Z, D!D ! JUSTT SAY TH^T OUT L0UD?! TEEHEEHEEEZ. (Oh My, ! CAN tYp3 l!ke Y0U)
Yknow,I actually cared (notice the past-tense) about you, but the things you do and say really get on my nerve. Remember that time where you would fake being angry at me, and then later on laugh it off asking me this "did i succeed in being a mean bitch?". whats up with that? like, how old are you man, 5? I didnt know being a bitch was something to be proud of. Well if it is to you, then why not let me help you boost your ego, BITCH.
guess what. i officially dont wanna have anything to do with you anymore.
Before i end, here's a song, i think its fitting for you. Have fun emo-ing to the lyrics. OH DAMN, I ALMOST FORGOT TO MENTION, pay attention to the chorus! :)
Small, simple, safe price. Rise the wake and carry me with all of my regrets. This is not a small cut that scabs, and dries, and flakes, and heals. And I am not afraid to die. I'm not afraid to bleed, and fuck, and fight. I want the pain of payment. What's left, but a section of pigmy size cuts. Much like a slew of a thousand unwanted fucks. Would you be my little cut? Would you be my thousand fucks? And make mark leaving space for the guilt to be liquid. To fill, and spill over, and under my thoughts. My sad, sorry, selfish cry out to the cutter. I'm cutting trying to picture your black broken heart. Love is not like anything. Especially a fucking knife.
Look at me. Can you tell, By the way I move and do my hair? Do you think that it's me, Or is it not me?
I don't even care. I'm alive, I don't smell. I'm the cleanest I have ever been. I feel big, I feel tall, I feel dry. Dry.
Just look at me, look at me now. I'm a fake, I'm a fake, I'm fake, I'm fake. Just look at me, look at me now. I'm a fake, I'm a fake, I'm fake, I'm fake.
Do I drink?Do I date? I've got perfect placements .All my ink satisfied, In your eyes. I'm the biggest fan that I've got right now. I made sure that I look how I wanted to look. The people around me, The people surround me. I feel big, I feel tall, I feel dry. Dry.
Just look at me, look at me now. I'm a fake, I'm a fake, I'm fake, I'm fake. My stomach hurts now, And all tied off in lace. I pray, I beg, for anything to hit me in the face. And this sickness isn't me. I pray to fall from grace. The last thing I see is feeling.
And I'm telling you I'm a fake. Just look at me, look at me now. I'm a fake, I'm a fake, I'm fake, I'm fake.
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