One thing to say: Audrey is my darling. <3
see luh, never pay attention in class, take peeeekchure all. tsk. hahah.
Got home real late last night, cuz i was out with Josh. We went to watch He's Just Not That Into You. oooh man, the guys acting were so hot know.. and Scarlett Johansson (whom i thought was named Holly Brooks. LOL WHERE DID I GET THAT NAME FROM, i wonder..) has really really huge boobs, i never realised.
Eh, im not lesbian okay, but who can resist staring at em big boobies huh?
I have a serious tendency of getting their friggin' names wrong. I thought one of the girls was Meg Ryan, but yeh, turns out there's no Meg Ryan acting in that movie. -.-"<--- so twit-like horzxzxz?
THEN YKNOW I ACT LIKE I SO SMART, STILL CAN TELL JOSH "EH, THATS MEG RYAN KNOW." HAHAHAH. First a "Holly Brooks", and next a "Meg Ryan", two idiotic strikes. My gawd I feel so stupid please...HAHA Keh sorry luh, Next time i should memorise the names of the actors/actresses from the movie posters before i say anything. He said she had "ogre ears" WTF . LOL! Orgre ears = tragic case.
anyway back to what i was saying, got home late, but i enjoyed myself. Or more like i enjoy talking to him, be it nonsense or something serious. (: woohoo! (keh, the woohoo was pretty unnecessary)
Tonight im gonna call Mehndi Baby. Miss her too much. Hope she's doing okay, we've been so busy with stuff that we havent talked for weeks. But whatever it is, she knows im here for her no matter what and I love her.
Guess what? Keh nehmind, i tell you. Im so hungry now. I could eat a horse, and a cow, and whatever farm animal you're thinking of. You may insert your own farm animal here --> Sara is so hungry, she could eat a _______.
See, my blog so people-friendly and interactive. hahahaha. If there're giving out an award for the stupidest-interactive-blog-that-newly-just-started, must vote for Miss Huang okay. Eh Nono i mean Miss Sara (which is me, f.y.i). Miss Huang makes me sound like i come from China. No thanks please, and in case you havent noticed, i speak in vehhhhhhh high-crust engrishh okay! better than China peeper lorhzxz.
Anyway, Im done ranting. GOODBYE EARTHLINGS. You may now close my blog window in peace.
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