i can only imagine...

doesnt mean im psychotic, doesnt mean i'm freaky, im just a special kid with special needs. >:D
Okay luh whatever.
I should just skip all the nonsense and head straight to my main point. KEH moral of today's post is.... GUYS, DONT GET TOO BUFF. some of you might think its like hot orrr.. something along that line. i dont know, maybe you guys think its sexy when you apply oil on your "nicely" pumped up bodies and prance around the beach looking like Honey Glazed Chickens.
BUT truth is, (oh yeh, the cold hard truth which you gotta suck on) YOU AINT THE LEAST BIT SEXY LOR. You look so un-huggable, know why? you look like you could potentially kill someone if you give them your so called 'friendly' hugs. And know something? Girls actually do like hugs. Makes em feel nice and warm on the inside. Yknow, Butterflies in their tummies.. Sad to say, you buff daddies kill those butterflies. aww.
I mean like, why bother being so damn muscular IF you're trying to attract the opposite sex? Firstly, I dont think its very attractive, and secondly, i think the only things you attract are aliens.
hahahahaha something like this maybe? F.Y.I, i think my alien is pretty damn sexy thankyouverymuch. even its lil' UFO has pretty lights. :D how cute.
Back to what i was saying, dont bother trying to prove to em girls that you work hard to keep your body in shape. "IN SHAPE" (chyehh right... ) The hard work could be used for something else. Maybe working out in bed with a girl? Do it often and long enough, maybe the guy could grow some muscles if he does it hard.
Keh im not getting in on that topic. Only for me and Akid to discuss. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. WTF SIA.
I think im done ranting for the day. Goodbye earthlings, dont miss me too much (like what Ashleen said)
(10:27 PM) little ngionya k: dunno leh, miss you la, ryan also
(10:27 PM) [SARA] :lolol miss me in what way
(10:30 PM) little ngionya k: in the dont get to meet sara way
)': Me miss you both too. We'll hang out soon keh. Just you, me and Dupree. I mean, RYAN. LAAAAAAAAAAAAAME. hahahahhaa okayokay, You, Me and Ryan luh! :)
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