I'm sorry blogger. I dont love you no more. I've found my one true love, and that is, livejournal.
I'm leaving you blogger, dont miss me too much, this blog is flooded with things i shouldnt have posted. I'm sorry. Goodbye and take care.
GO TO: http://withlovexsara.livejournal.com :D
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
I've been doing so much thinking lately, my brain could totally fuzz out.
My Aims:
- Get at least all B's for this term's four modules. (taking 3 sup papers are enough)
- Head to Thailand with somebody, or some people. Buy whatever i can find.
- Scout for a job. As a sales assistant or something.
- Make sure i get a decent amount of studies done every week.
My Wants:
- Have an income, no matter how meager it is.
- A cupboard full of new clothes.
- Achieve something that i've never done before.
Right now, i'm just feeling really tired. Even though i'm getting into a lil tiff with Sean, it somehow doesnt bother me that much.
Even I didnt expect myself to be so not-bothered by certain things.
Its come to a point where I just simply take things the way it goes.
If something happens, fine, no point brooding over it.
Thats how i see things now.
I dont think its all that a bad thing.
Ah whatever. I'm prolly going clubbing either this wednesday or saturday with Mandy.
If its a wednesday, i can surely get into Zouk, cuz Mandy knows the bouncers.
If its a saturday, i can surely get into Powerhouse, cuz Mandy's gonna put me up on the guest list. Plus, we'd get to bump into Shah @ Powerhouse cuz he works there.
Awesome. I'm gonna ask Audrey baby along.
My Aims:
- Get at least all B's for this term's four modules. (taking 3 sup papers are enough)
- Head to Thailand with somebody, or some people. Buy whatever i can find.
- Scout for a job. As a sales assistant or something.
- Make sure i get a decent amount of studies done every week.
My Wants:
- Have an income, no matter how meager it is.
- A cupboard full of new clothes.
- Achieve something that i've never done before.
I see girls my age or maybe a lil older starting up businesses that actually bring in hella lot of money.
if they can do it, so can i. I just need to do a lil brainstorming on how and what to do.
I'm sick of the same ol' Sara wasting her day away. I should be doing something productive. Like studying.
I will do so though, right after i'm done with this post.
if they can do it, so can i. I just need to do a lil brainstorming on how and what to do.
I'm sick of the same ol' Sara wasting her day away. I should be doing something productive. Like studying.
I will do so though, right after i'm done with this post.
Right now, i'm just feeling really tired. Even though i'm getting into a lil tiff with Sean, it somehow doesnt bother me that much.
Even I didnt expect myself to be so not-bothered by certain things.
Its come to a point where I just simply take things the way it goes.
If something happens, fine, no point brooding over it.
Thats how i see things now.
I dont think its all that a bad thing.
Ah whatever. I'm prolly going clubbing either this wednesday or saturday with Mandy.
If its a wednesday, i can surely get into Zouk, cuz Mandy knows the bouncers.
If its a saturday, i can surely get into Powerhouse, cuz Mandy's gonna put me up on the guest list. Plus, we'd get to bump into Shah @ Powerhouse cuz he works there.
Awesome. I'm gonna ask Audrey baby along.
Time to let loose Sara! WHOOP WHOOP!
I understand you're in JC and you're juggling your studies, rugby, and football.
I totally get it, you're busy.
Thing is, too busy for me maybe.
p/s: I dont blame you though. I dont blame you for anything, really.
I totally get it, you're busy.
Thing is, too busy for me maybe.
p/s: I dont blame you though. I dont blame you for anything, really.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
I have the cutest, sexiest, kindest, sweetest, most lovable, most huggable, and most kissable boyfriend ever ever ever everrrrrrrrr.
He's a model; handsome boyyyyyy.
He's really smart.
He's a football and rugby player.
He comes from a rich family.
He treats me well.
He has a good set of values.
I love the way he holds my hand.
I love the way he smiles at me.
He's an honest and proper guy.
And i know he wouldn't cheat on me.
What more could i ask for?
I'm a lucky girl.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
...I can already feel the world crashing down on me
I might as well say 'bye Sean' right here right now
"Please God, if this doesnt work because of my past, I dont think anything ever will."
Thats all i have right now. I'm already starting to tear just thinking about what might happen.
"Sean, do you still want what's left of me?"
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Sean met me this afternoon before school. Went to City Hall walk walk talk talk.
Poor guy came to meet me after school, then after about an hour or so, he had to leave for school again. Cuz he's got soccer training.
hahah so while we were sitting down outside Marina Square, a group of 4 girls walked past us.
They chio siaaaaaaaaaaaa ):
Then they see Sean so handsome. I BET THEY WANTED TO RAPE HIM LOR. THOSE EVIL NUN-CANT-BEs! hmph.
Okay kidding luh. They didnt wanna rape him. Maybe they were just picturing Sean in Britney's video 'You Want a Piece of Me'. HAHAHAH. okay wth. not funneh. Maybe they just thought he's cute.
Maybe they thought "whats a cute guy like that doing with such a sea urchin?"
Yes, I'm the Sea Urchin. The cuter version though.
I felt just a tad bit jealous. Just a tiny lil bit. So teensy you'd need a microscope to tell i'm jealous.
Suddenly Sean said "eh why your face like that?"
ALAMAK. kena caught red handed. Okay luh, I admit. I was majorly jealous.
I asked Sean:
"Eh you choose. you want A, B, C or D."
"What A, B, C or D?"
"You see the 4 girls luh! A, B, C or D! They so chio.. )': Aiyah i pick A luh, I pick A"
"I want E."
"E is who sia?"
"Sara :D"
Then i tell him he talk nonsense (but actually my tummy had hella lots of butterflies and i felt totally honoured) and he bit me.
Oh ya, in case you were wondering...

Poor guy came to meet me after school, then after about an hour or so, he had to leave for school again. Cuz he's got soccer training.
hahah so while we were sitting down outside Marina Square, a group of 4 girls walked past us.

Then they see Sean so handsome. I BET THEY WANTED TO RAPE HIM LOR. THOSE EVIL NUN-CANT-BEs! hmph.
Okay kidding luh. They didnt wanna rape him. Maybe they were just picturing Sean in Britney's video 'You Want a Piece of Me'. HAHAHAH. okay wth. not funneh. Maybe they just thought he's cute.
Maybe they thought "whats a cute guy like that doing with such a sea urchin?"
Yes, I'm the Sea Urchin. The cuter version though.
I felt just a tad bit jealous. Just a tiny lil bit. So teensy you'd need a microscope to tell i'm jealous.
Suddenly Sean said "eh why your face like that?"
ALAMAK. kena caught red handed. Okay luh, I admit. I was majorly jealous.
I asked Sean:
"Eh you choose. you want A, B, C or D."
"What A, B, C or D?"
"You see the 4 girls luh! A, B, C or D! They so chio.. )': Aiyah i pick A luh, I pick A"
"I want E."
"E is who sia?"
"Sara :D"
Then i tell him he talk nonsense (but actually my tummy had hella lots of butterflies and i felt totally honoured) and he bit me.
Oh ya, in case you were wondering...

Well. DETAILS MATTER OK! His arms were around my waist.
Well. DETAILS MATTER OK! His arms were around my waist.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
The way you call me baby.
The way you text me.
The way you hug and kiss me.
I have a feeling its gonna happen.
I'm guessing you'll be mine.
I hope this time its real.
S, I'm yours to keep. If only you'd say those magic words.
The way you text me.
The way you hug and kiss me.
I have a feeling its gonna happen.
I'm guessing you'll be mine.
I hope this time its real.
S, I'm yours to keep. If only you'd say those magic words.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Looking back at past msn convos. I'm missing Mehndi Randhawa baby sooooooo much.
She's having her O levels this year. Cant disturb :/
I miss her i miss her i miss herrrrrrrrrrrrrr. damn ):
She drew me this fucking cute picture of us. Show you.

Then i asked her why our hair has both maroon and black colours. She said the maroon is hair highlights.

See if you're able to read a part of the convo between Mehndi and I. (if not, click on the image)
Damn gross convo. AHHAHAHA.
We were talking about having a guy's name initials on our pussies and tattooing faces on our pussies. HOW SICK. HAHAHAH.
She's having her O levels this year. Cant disturb :/
I miss her i miss her i miss herrrrrrrrrrrrrr. damn ):
She drew me this fucking cute picture of us. Show you.

Then i asked her why our hair has both maroon and black colours. She said the maroon is hair highlights.

See if you're able to read a part of the convo between Mehndi and I. (if not, click on the image)
Damn gross convo. AHHAHAHA.
We were talking about having a guy's name initials on our pussies and tattooing faces on our pussies. HOW SICK. HAHAHAH.
Finally got to spend a day with Audrey after like donkey years.
Well not really... been a week since i last saw her, but it seems like friggin' long okay!
So yes i'm happy about that.
And today i bumped into Jeremy Ooi at starbucks. So thats another thing to be happy about. I finally got my nice warm ooi-hug after like many months. HAHA he best sia. Ta-bao chicken rice and ate it at starbucks. hahahaha douchebag.
Got to text Josh (Tan) after many many many days. Really missed talking to him. So today, texting him was good.
Yesterday, after doing some shopping, bumped into Josh (Ding) outside Far East Plaza. Again, havent seen him for ages. Then he wanted to follow me to Bugis to buy my clothes and blahblah. I gave some excuse (I just wanted some alone time) that my legs were breaking already, so i'm just gonna quickly buy whatever i need to then leave, and he offered to carry me while shopping. Obviously i rejected the offer luh. What a nutcase. Imagine him carrying me around Bugis Street where its flooded with people. I bet all the ahpeks, ahmas, chao ahlians and chao ahbengs would be like cursing at us under their breath.
"knnbccb! this prace oredi so crowderd stiu wanna pray pray."
I can only imagine -.-"
Lets see, is there anything else I'm happy about.... mmmmmm...
Sean has been sending me "mwah mwah" msges recently. Okay luh, i think he very sweet. Im getting kisses and hugs through text message. So all i can do is imagine how it'd feel like, but never actually get it for another.... lets see... one week/ two weeks?
The last time i saw him was more than a week ago ): And now he has these stupid tests in JC so he cant meet me. And i cant get my hugs and kisses no more.
TSK. I MUST WAIT SO LONG SIAAAAAAA. Stupid ACJC is ruining your life!
why you gotta be so smart.
and why dyou have to be a model.
whyyyyyy. why dyou have sucha nice body.
WHYYYYY. I must admit, even I'M jealous.
I just woke up not long ago, cuz i couldnt sleep properly. And yes, here I am blogging like a sad mothafug.
I've got this like badass sorethroat. Or maybe its a throat infection and thats what sparked off the fever im experiencing now. geez. I dont even wanna visit the doctor's, cuz i risk getting quarantined. And i'd feel so captive. Eww.
Sean takes a gazillion years to reply my texts cuz he's too busy sleeping or mugging.
Hooray... :/
I'm still finding it hard to get a job. No job means no income. No income means i'll remain broke shytless. AH fuck.
I'm waiting for my nails to grow just a tad bit faster so I can get a manicure done. I'm gonna make my mom pay for it.
I've come to the conclusion that my mom is not much of a strategist, aaaaaaand she's one cheaterbug in disguise. Tak Boleh Tahan sei...
See uh, i'm supposed to get $300 a month for allowance (she said it herself). which is like around 10 bucks a day.
So she gives me 10 bucks a day, BUT thats only IF i go out. So if i stay home, i risk not getting my 10 bucks. WTH RIGHT. Isnt it good that i stay home? I should be getting my allowance for staying home okay!
so in other words, if i go outta the house everyday of my life, i would get 10 bucks.
Wow mom, what a nice way to try to get me to stay home.
Her tactic funny sia.
Obviously if i get 10 bucks for leaving the house i would totally dig the chance given right! Earn money to get out of the house. WHO DONT WANT SIA.
See uh.
Mom: "Sara, dont go out so often!"
Sara: "But if i dont go out, i dont get 10 bucks!"
She killing her own plan of keeping me at home -.-"
Sigh... sometimes parents need a plan B know..
But it doesnt take much to figure a plan B out lor. JUST GIVE ME MY GAWDDAMN 10 BUCKS EVEN IF I STAY AT HOME LA!
Walao eh. My mom classic i tell you.
OKAY. byebye. I'm going back to sleep.
eh no wait before that.
i gotta say this.
WHY DID EDWARD JUST ADD ME ON MSN SIA! HAHAHAHAHAHA SO RANDOM. Okay, those in my MDIS class would totally understand what i mean. Those who dont know who Edward is, trust me, its better to keep it that way. LOL!!!!!
phew. okayokay Nights world!
Finally got to spend a day with Audrey after like donkey years.
Well not really... been a week since i last saw her, but it seems like friggin' long okay!
So yes i'm happy about that.
And today i bumped into Jeremy Ooi at starbucks. So thats another thing to be happy about. I finally got my nice warm ooi-hug after like many months. HAHA he best sia. Ta-bao chicken rice and ate it at starbucks. hahahaha douchebag.
Got to text Josh (Tan) after many many many days. Really missed talking to him. So today, texting him was good.
Yesterday, after doing some shopping, bumped into Josh (Ding) outside Far East Plaza. Again, havent seen him for ages. Then he wanted to follow me to Bugis to buy my clothes and blahblah. I gave some excuse (I just wanted some alone time) that my legs were breaking already, so i'm just gonna quickly buy whatever i need to then leave, and he offered to carry me while shopping. Obviously i rejected the offer luh. What a nutcase. Imagine him carrying me around Bugis Street where its flooded with people. I bet all the ahpeks, ahmas, chao ahlians and chao ahbengs would be like cursing at us under their breath.
"knnbccb! this prace oredi so crowderd stiu wanna pray pray."
I can only imagine -.-"
Lets see, is there anything else I'm happy about.... mmmmmm...
Sean has been sending me "mwah mwah" msges recently. Okay luh, i think he very sweet. Im getting kisses and hugs through text message. So all i can do is imagine how it'd feel like, but never actually get it for another.... lets see... one week/ two weeks?
The last time i saw him was more than a week ago ): And now he has these stupid tests in JC so he cant meet me. And i cant get my hugs and kisses no more.
TSK. I MUST WAIT SO LONG SIAAAAAAA. Stupid ACJC is ruining your life!
why you gotta be so smart.
and why dyou have to be a model.
whyyyyyy. why dyou have sucha nice body.
WHYYYYY. I must admit, even I'M jealous.
I just woke up not long ago, cuz i couldnt sleep properly. And yes, here I am blogging like a sad mothafug.
I've got this like badass sorethroat. Or maybe its a throat infection and thats what sparked off the fever im experiencing now. geez. I dont even wanna visit the doctor's, cuz i risk getting quarantined. And i'd feel so captive. Eww.
Sean takes a gazillion years to reply my texts cuz he's too busy sleeping or mugging.
Hooray... :/
I'm still finding it hard to get a job. No job means no income. No income means i'll remain broke shytless. AH fuck.
I'm waiting for my nails to grow just a tad bit faster so I can get a manicure done. I'm gonna make my mom pay for it.
I've come to the conclusion that my mom is not much of a strategist, aaaaaaand she's one cheaterbug in disguise. Tak Boleh Tahan sei...
See uh, i'm supposed to get $300 a month for allowance (she said it herself). which is like around 10 bucks a day.
So she gives me 10 bucks a day, BUT thats only IF i go out. So if i stay home, i risk not getting my 10 bucks. WTH RIGHT. Isnt it good that i stay home? I should be getting my allowance for staying home okay!
so in other words, if i go outta the house everyday of my life, i would get 10 bucks.
Wow mom, what a nice way to try to get me to stay home.
Her tactic funny sia.
Obviously if i get 10 bucks for leaving the house i would totally dig the chance given right! Earn money to get out of the house. WHO DONT WANT SIA.
See uh.
Mom: "Sara, dont go out so often!"
Sara: "But if i dont go out, i dont get 10 bucks!"
She killing her own plan of keeping me at home -.-"
Sigh... sometimes parents need a plan B know..
But it doesnt take much to figure a plan B out lor. JUST GIVE ME MY GAWDDAMN 10 BUCKS EVEN IF I STAY AT HOME LA!
Walao eh. My mom classic i tell you.
OKAY. byebye. I'm going back to sleep.
eh no wait before that.
i gotta say this.
WHY DID EDWARD JUST ADD ME ON MSN SIA! HAHAHAHAHAHA SO RANDOM. Okay, those in my MDIS class would totally understand what i mean. Those who dont know who Edward is, trust me, its better to keep it that way. LOL!!!!!
phew. okayokay Nights world!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Sean, you damn sick.
And i mean it both ways. physically sick and mentally sick.
HAHAH. get well soon luh.
Wait the modeling agency call you then you cannnot do photoshoot, cannot earn money, then cannot take me out for Kopi.
Its a vicious cycle :O
Elisha, you won the bet, its true that you're much sweeter than me (BUT only for today).
This ain't over yet.
I will say or do something that'll totally make you flip. Just you wait!
Elisha: "Morning Sweetheart :)"
Sara: "Morning handsome! why you wake up so early?"
Elisha: "finished work, went to eat with friends. while playing game, thought of you so texted you."
why people play L4D game can think of me one -.-"
maybe cuz Zoey has the power to totally rip off a guy's lil brother down there, and so do I.
or maybe i look like one of the Zombies? hmm who knows.

I CAN BE SWEETER LOR. I can even compare Elisha to one of the L4D characters!
And i mean it both ways. physically sick and mentally sick.
HAHAH. get well soon luh.
Wait the modeling agency call you then you cannnot do photoshoot, cannot earn money, then cannot take me out for Kopi.
Its a vicious cycle :O
Elisha, you won the bet, its true that you're much sweeter than me (BUT only for today).
This ain't over yet.
I will say or do something that'll totally make you flip. Just you wait!
Elisha: "Morning Sweetheart :)"
Sara: "Morning handsome! why you wake up so early?"
Elisha: "finished work, went to eat with friends. while playing game, thought of you so texted you."
why people play L4D game can think of me one -.-"
maybe cuz Zoey has the power to totally rip off a guy's lil brother down there, and so do I.
or maybe i look like one of the Zombies? hmm who knows.

I CAN BE SWEETER LOR. I can even compare Elisha to one of the L4D characters!

I know, like wow, i can totally see the resemblance. yknow, with the hoodie and all. HAHAHAH. okay kidding luh.
You more handsome okay??
Actually I can compare hunters to a few people. Show you.
Damian Steven
Keith Rodrigues
Peter Terhune
They might be hunters in disguise. KILL EM' MOTHACHODS!
Whats with all the hoodies man!
Audrey, I havent seen you for so long ): Me miss Audrey too much. I still got alot of news to tell you about. On Monday must come to school okay? Or else i cry. HAHAHA.
Mehndi, i miss you too. Its been so longggg since i last met you. Its high time we met up again.
Tell Ashraf not to be such a douchebag ok?
You more handsome okay??
Actually I can compare hunters to a few people. Show you.

They might be hunters in disguise. KILL EM' MOTHACHODS!
Whats with all the hoodies man!
Audrey, I havent seen you for so long ): Me miss Audrey too much. I still got alot of news to tell you about. On Monday must come to school okay? Or else i cry. HAHAHA.
Mehndi, i miss you too. Its been so longggg since i last met you. Its high time we met up again.
Tell Ashraf not to be such a douchebag ok?
At times like these...
She's sexy sexy sexy to the MAX.
She's the girl i'll never get.
She's sexy sexy sexy to the MAX.
She's the girl i'll never get.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Dear Terry,
I wish there was some way i could tell you how i feel right now, but then again... i'm afraid to. Sometimes i wonder if you really mean the things you say. I may not show it, but it really does hurt me.
Like how i've always regarded you, you're the brother i never had. Every time i tell my friends about you, i put in a good word for you. And i dont do it because im sucking up in any way, but i say it because i truly mean it. When i tell them that you're like a brother to me, i'm so proud of saying it. I really am lucky to have met someone like you, and you mean so much to me.
I know i've disappointed you many times before, and we've had our fair share of arguments. Its true that i'm really screwed up.
You've always saved me when i was in trouble, always lectured me when needed, always keeping me company when i was bored and rotting.
You used to show me care and concern... what happened now?
Now its seems like you don't really care what i do anymore.
I miss the Terry i once knew. The one who would text me with smiley faces. The one who reassured me that you'd look out for me no matter what. The one whom I could tell everything to. The one whom i'd seek advice from. The one who gave a damn about what i do. The one i nicknamed TerryBerry.
I miss you Terry, i really do.
I dont know how things changed. Maybe its my fault...
I'm sad. No, more like majorly crushed. You have no idea how important you are to me. I keep thinking that maybe you're just sick and tired of me.
Do you say things jokingly thinking that i'm strong enough to know you're kidding, or do you say things that you really mean knowing that it'll bring me down?
You built some confidence in me. But when you say things which aren't nice, it brings me way down, cuz afterall you're the one telling it to me. You made that part of me, and you have the power to break it too.
I dont know what to think anymore..
Just want you to know that I would never trade our friendship for the world.
I pray that things would go back to how it used to be...
I love you Bro, always have, always will.
I wish there was some way i could tell you how i feel right now, but then again... i'm afraid to. Sometimes i wonder if you really mean the things you say. I may not show it, but it really does hurt me.
Like how i've always regarded you, you're the brother i never had. Every time i tell my friends about you, i put in a good word for you. And i dont do it because im sucking up in any way, but i say it because i truly mean it. When i tell them that you're like a brother to me, i'm so proud of saying it. I really am lucky to have met someone like you, and you mean so much to me.
I know i've disappointed you many times before, and we've had our fair share of arguments. Its true that i'm really screwed up.
You've always saved me when i was in trouble, always lectured me when needed, always keeping me company when i was bored and rotting.
You used to show me care and concern... what happened now?
Now its seems like you don't really care what i do anymore.
I miss the Terry i once knew. The one who would text me with smiley faces. The one who reassured me that you'd look out for me no matter what. The one whom I could tell everything to. The one whom i'd seek advice from. The one who gave a damn about what i do. The one i nicknamed TerryBerry.
I miss you Terry, i really do.
I dont know how things changed. Maybe its my fault...
I'm sad. No, more like majorly crushed. You have no idea how important you are to me. I keep thinking that maybe you're just sick and tired of me.
Do you say things jokingly thinking that i'm strong enough to know you're kidding, or do you say things that you really mean knowing that it'll bring me down?
You built some confidence in me. But when you say things which aren't nice, it brings me way down, cuz afterall you're the one telling it to me. You made that part of me, and you have the power to break it too.
I dont know what to think anymore..
Just want you to know that I would never trade our friendship for the world.
I pray that things would go back to how it used to be...
I love you Bro, always have, always will.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
I'm so sooooooooooo tired. Yesterday went to Create Talents for the interview. But i gotta pay 570 for my portfolio to be done. NO WAY MAN. Im already so broke. what 570 what cock. TSK. Oh and, while i was waiting for my turn to be interviewed, some guy from Brunei started talking to me. he really is truly nice. he's 27 though -.- but he looks 23. and did i mention, he's FILTHY RICH. wow. so he travels to Singapore twice a year, to HongKong thrice a year, to australia to stay sometimes, and then back to Brunei. And if you're wondering, his english is perfectly fine. He doesnt talk funny or shyt like that. Impressive. Thennnnnn.... he has my email now.
Then after that met my mom and i was supposed to accompany her to my grandma's house in AngMoKio. But had last minute plans with Damian Steven. So from AMK i took a bus down to his house, and just slacked with Mr. Rockstar. Everytime i meet him i wonder how on earth he keeps track with all his friends. He's so damn popular, and so busy, but he makes time for me. So thats pretty damn sweet. Went to his house around 6, then we slack slack, sleep sleep, drink beer, smoke and talk. We left around 8.30, cuz he had to go to Roland's (founder of Roland Records) house to check out this new song their band's been working on. OH YA, know this is random but he bought a new dog. A pomeranian. i have no idea how to spell it, but heck. THE DOG FXING CHIO LOR. Even Damian said the way his dog got all the attention from me made him jealous. HAHAHAHA wtf luh.
Note: His band is playing at BayBeats this year, do go down to support him if you like hardcore music. Its the first hardcore band ever to have made it to BayBeats. so yes, its a big deal, cuz afterall only good bands are chosen to play at BayBeats. Do look out for 'For Better Endings'! I promise you'd have a moshing good time.
After i got home to tampines area, I went to meet Terrence, Clam and Marvyn. They kept talking about their dragonboat experiences. and i had absolutely nothing to say. So i just sat there listening to them have their guy-talk. Marvyn kept eyeing my Mac's fries. so i was nice enough to offer him some. 8)
After an hour or so, terry, clam and i walked home. Then once i got home, i took my bath and stuff and then called Elisha. Elishaaaaaa! his name damn nice. (ee-lai-sha). hahahaha he damn entertaining. He was educating me on what Thailand is like. Quite cool. I wanna go thailand.
So we were phone for... 2 hours. yehh. dunno whygot so much to talk about. hahahaha. but it was real interesting. Elisha is 22, and he's a metrosexual (he said it himself). like seriously, his dress sense damn good. he hates the sun, cuz he hates being tan. he has real nice hair which he touches at least ten times within a minute. aaaaaaaand he's goodlooking.
AND AND. he learnt hairdressing! so now i have a friend who can cut my hair. he can go shopping with me cuz he's got good taste in fashion. and he has the brains to educate me on stuff.
Then after that met my mom and i was supposed to accompany her to my grandma's house in AngMoKio. But had last minute plans with Damian Steven. So from AMK i took a bus down to his house, and just slacked with Mr. Rockstar. Everytime i meet him i wonder how on earth he keeps track with all his friends. He's so damn popular, and so busy, but he makes time for me. So thats pretty damn sweet. Went to his house around 6, then we slack slack, sleep sleep, drink beer, smoke and talk. We left around 8.30, cuz he had to go to Roland's (founder of Roland Records) house to check out this new song their band's been working on. OH YA, know this is random but he bought a new dog. A pomeranian. i have no idea how to spell it, but heck. THE DOG FXING CHIO LOR. Even Damian said the way his dog got all the attention from me made him jealous. HAHAHAHA wtf luh.
Note: His band is playing at BayBeats this year, do go down to support him if you like hardcore music. Its the first hardcore band ever to have made it to BayBeats. so yes, its a big deal, cuz afterall only good bands are chosen to play at BayBeats. Do look out for 'For Better Endings'! I promise you'd have a moshing good time.
After i got home to tampines area, I went to meet Terrence, Clam and Marvyn. They kept talking about their dragonboat experiences. and i had absolutely nothing to say. So i just sat there listening to them have their guy-talk. Marvyn kept eyeing my Mac's fries. so i was nice enough to offer him some. 8)
After an hour or so, terry, clam and i walked home. Then once i got home, i took my bath and stuff and then called Elisha. Elishaaaaaa! his name damn nice. (ee-lai-sha). hahahaha he damn entertaining. He was educating me on what Thailand is like. Quite cool. I wanna go thailand.
So we were phone for... 2 hours. yehh. dunno whygot so much to talk about. hahahaha. but it was real interesting. Elisha is 22, and he's a metrosexual (he said it himself). like seriously, his dress sense damn good. he hates the sun, cuz he hates being tan. he has real nice hair which he touches at least ten times within a minute. aaaaaaaand he's goodlooking.
AND AND. he learnt hairdressing! so now i have a friend who can cut my hair. he can go shopping with me cuz he's got good taste in fashion. and he has the brains to educate me on stuff.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
And yes, I can read through your every action. You place it there hoping that you'd spark a reaction from me.
My response to you is, "I dont really care".
I wouldnt ask about it, dont worry. (:
My response to you is, "I dont really care".
I wouldnt ask about it, dont worry. (:
Monday, May 11, 2009
Lovesick for Mina? nah. More like lovesick for S--n.
Had a date with Mr. Model this morning before school. Went to eat and then watched Wolverine. Good show (: wolverine so fierce, i liiiiiiiiike.
Mr. Model's arms very nice, tan very nice, got a perfect set of teeth, and very warm. Double like.
He shall not be named. Well not until he says something like 'SARA BE MINE!' or something like that i dont know ): geez...
He's got looks and he's got brains. waaaaaaaaah. ACJC FUUUUUUYO! MALE MODEL DOUBLE FUUUUUUYO!
aiyah. Sara, dont get your hopes too high.. :/
Talking about Modeling, some modeling agency people approached me today, and asked me if i wanted to do freelance modeling (everybody go "OH MY"). so yehh they took down my number and told me they're gonna call me for an interview soon.
Its an agency called Create Talents. i went to visit the website. IMPRESSIVE EH.
who knows, maybe you'll see my face in the next starhub advertisement, or some random ad, and you'd be like "hey! thats Sara!".
Okay again, Sara, dont get your hopes too high...
I just pray S is the one to save me from myself.
Had a date with Mr. Model this morning before school. Went to eat and then watched Wolverine. Good show (: wolverine so fierce, i liiiiiiiiike.
Mr. Model's arms very nice, tan very nice, got a perfect set of teeth, and very warm. Double like.
He shall not be named. Well not until he says something like 'SARA BE MINE!' or something like that i dont know ): geez...
He's got looks and he's got brains. waaaaaaaaah. ACJC FUUUUUUYO! MALE MODEL DOUBLE FUUUUUUYO!
aiyah. Sara, dont get your hopes too high.. :/
Talking about Modeling, some modeling agency people approached me today, and asked me if i wanted to do freelance modeling (everybody go "OH MY"). so yehh they took down my number and told me they're gonna call me for an interview soon.
Its an agency called Create Talents. i went to visit the website. IMPRESSIVE EH.
who knows, maybe you'll see my face in the next starhub advertisement, or some random ad, and you'd be like "hey! thats Sara!".
Okay again, Sara, dont get your hopes too high...
I just pray S is the one to save me from myself.
UPDATE: I told my mom and dad about what happened earlier today. And they both encourage me to take up modeling. (surprisingly) AS LONG AS no skimpy outfits are involved. They said since i was approached, just wait for their call, and just go ahead with the interview. How encouraging. Apparently, from what i heard, i gotta pay $300 for my portfolio, and they'll do the rest. Some say its a scam. BUT, thing is, my friend is working with the same company (i saw his modelling photos in the website). and he did pretty good! might not be a scam afterall. Sooooo.... Anyone has a job to recommend me?? Part-time sales assistant? I really gotta save up. Plus i still owe my cousin like $100 bucks. I deserve a kick in the ass.
Reactions to the whole modeling matter:
Dad: "You know why they ask you to model? Cos your father handsome mah!"
Me: "what rubbish...you said i look like your ass, which indirectly means that YOU'RE the actual one looking like your own backside, cuz afterall i got my looks from you."
Dad: "still handsome what. Got handsome ass. You never see my ass before so keep quiet."
Dad: ".... ...... ......"
Mom: "huh... can you model for Glico Pocky?? Dont want the naked kind ah!"
And i can only imagine what Terrence will say if i tell him...
Terrence: "WAH! KA NI NA BU CHEE BYE! WHY LIKE THAT SIA?! fugly piece of shyt!"
Me: "when will you EVER stop degrading me?"
Terrence: "eh, dont angry luh. YEW NOE IIE LURB EUU. bitch."
Me: "suck dick terry."
but hohohoho, i know deep down terry thinks im a Goddess.
okay, smack yourself Sara.
Reactions to the whole modeling matter:
Dad: "You know why they ask you to model? Cos your father handsome mah!"
Me: "what rubbish...you said i look like your ass, which indirectly means that YOU'RE the actual one looking like your own backside, cuz afterall i got my looks from you."
Dad: "still handsome what. Got handsome ass. You never see my ass before so keep quiet."
Dad: ".... ...... ......"
Mom: "huh... can you model for Glico Pocky?? Dont want the naked kind ah!"
And i can only imagine what Terrence will say if i tell him...
Terrence: "WAH! KA NI NA BU CHEE BYE! WHY LIKE THAT SIA?! fugly piece of shyt!"
Me: "when will you EVER stop degrading me?"
Terrence: "eh, dont angry luh. YEW NOE IIE LURB EUU. bitch."
Me: "suck dick terry."
but hohohoho, i know deep down terry thinks im a Goddess.
okay, smack yourself Sara.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
-55 has been replaced-
Screw it.
I'm moving on.
Zimmy is a heartless bastard.
Whats the use in sticking with him when there's someone else who treats me way better?
Screw it.
I'm moving on.
Zimmy is a heartless bastard.
Whats the use in sticking with him when there's someone else who treats me way better?
take a look...
take a look...
This moling limpeh gort an unexpected text msg from my lan jiao ex.
the one who ditched me, and left limpeh totally heartbroken.
That kanina just suddenly asked limpeh to go clubbing with the lan jiao face one day. and limpeh agreed.
Tell limpeh im very the kanina ):
my gawd im so liddat sad now prease, limpeh acherly miss a highclass bastard.
aah. limpeh very the saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad )':
Posted by Omg, its Sara. at 11:49 AM 0 comments Zimmy.
the one who ditched me, and left limpeh totally heartbroken.
That kanina just suddenly asked limpeh to go clubbing with the lan jiao face one day. and limpeh agreed.
Tell limpeh im very the kanina ):
my gawd im so liddat sad now prease, limpeh acherly miss a highclass bastard.
aah. limpeh very the saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad )':
This morning i got an unexpected text msg from my ex.
the one who ditched me, and left me totally heartbroken.
He just suddenly asked me to go clubbing with him one day. and i agreed.
Tell me im very stupid ):
my gawd im so sad now please, i actually miss a highclass bastard.
aah. i very saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad )':
the one who ditched me, and left me totally heartbroken.
He just suddenly asked me to go clubbing with him one day. and i agreed.
Tell me im very stupid ):
my gawd im so sad now please, i actually miss a highclass bastard.
aah. i very saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad )':
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
I loved my lil birthday gathering. Simply because I had the company of good friends.
Okay im not gonna post up ALL the pictures i took today, cuz i honestly cant be fucked to do so. too damn lazy.
anyway, im waiting for Irish's friend to send me all the photos. He's the real camera man. DSLR CAMERAHH, DUDE, THATS THE REAL DEAL.
can't wait to see those peeeekchures (:
will post it up when i've gotten em'.
Okay im not gonna post up ALL the pictures i took today, cuz i honestly cant be fucked to do so. too damn lazy.
anyway, im waiting for Irish's friend to send me all the photos. He's the real camera man. DSLR CAMERAHH, DUDE, THATS THE REAL DEAL.
can't wait to see those peeeekchures (:
will post it up when i've gotten em'.
okay, so picturebook starts now:

Oh, these pictures were taken at Derek's block's void deck. We were waiting for that beech Derek to shower and change, then meet us down his block. So Fariz and I just started taking random pictures on my lappy's webcam. While we were busy camwhoring, Max was sitting across us quietly reading some pychic book shyt. Weird guy.

OH OH OH OH OH. OMG THESE TWO PICTURES ABOVE. HAHAHAH. ITS THE FIRST TIME TERRENCE GOT ALL DRUNK AND FUCKED UP. And it honestly scared the balls outta me, cuz its pretty much always ME getting drunk, and he'd be fucking me up and lecturing me shytless.
And omg dude, you were talking so much crap, you couldnt even remember names. Like how fucked up is that man. HAHAHA.
But on the bright side, its not all THAT bad, him getting drunk and all. Cuz yknow what they say, "when someone's drunk, and you ask him/her a question, that someone would be replying the truth"?
I told Terrence "eh, i know you're drunk, but i wanna tell you, you're the brother i never had, and although i dont always show it, i really very thankful for you. Thank you for always looking out for me. I love you bro."
And then he was like "come sara, give me a hug. Its okay... Its okay... *pat pat* got gang find you, you come call me, i whack them up."
LOL!!! DRUNK BEECH. I was thinking like why the hell would i even have a gang after me. weird.
Then it suddenly struck me, "gosh... wtf man, terrence has never been so... loving." HAHAH. he's usually like "sara you beeech".
So i took the opportunity and went on to ask him "dyou still love me despite all the times i made you angry and disappointed?"
Then he replied "yes yes Sara, i still love you." And while saying it, it came with his really hardcore kinda head nodding. HAHAHA fucking funny to watch.
So now i know, I once thought i let him down so much that he couldnt be bothered with me anymore. But thats not the case. He's tolerant with me, but he just wants me to think straight at times.
After all he did for me before, I tried the best i could to look after him when he was drunk and out yesterday. I hope i did okay.. (:
Thanks for coming, and helping to chip in with buying stuff bro!
love you long long keh.
To Shah, thank you for going down to downtown east to book the chalet for me, and thanks for getting all the mixes. Thank you for helping to watch out for us, and thank you for giving us first class entertainment. I couldnt stop laughing. I could even laugh at your jokes while i was half-asleep. HAHAH.OH and thank you for being my bartender after Fariz left (:
To Fariz, thank you so much for being to willing to help me out despite the last minute plans, thank you for meeting me right after your job interview and bringing me to Aljunied to buy the many bottles of liquor. Thank you for helping me carry my laptop, all the 6 bottles of alcohol, and like 24 cans of redbull. It was really really heavy, and i couldnt have gotten all those without your help. (Thank God you have big muscles)AND THANK YOU FOR BEING MY BARTENDER FOR HALF THE NIGHT. HAHAHA the drinks you made were fucking potent, but i downed it all anyway.
I love you bro (:
This is a really long post, i know. But what to do, got alot to say what..
When i mentioned earlier that the drinks Fariz made were really potent. I shyt you not. He fucking made 'Graveyard' which basically contained 7 spirits (rum, tequila, gin, brandy, whisky, vodka, and topped up with stout) in it.
1 cup could possibly knock you out.
Like how Fariz describes it, its a 'One Hit Wonder'.
Fariz made me this cup, and i dont mean shotglass, i literally mean BIG CUP.
First he did one for himself, next up was Ben, then my turn.
so proud of myself. IM NOT A PUSSY ALTHOUGH I HAVE ONE.
I sumpah uh, no lie, the taste of that 'Graveyard' shyt is enough to make you puke.
Moreover the alcohol burns inside your throat and stomach. Gawd, i was sooo high.
I must say, it was an awesome experience though.
After all that, i was between Madhan and Niven, TRYING to sleep.
But having a girl between 2 guys. Shyt happens yknow?
And i dont mean like sex luh, but their hands could not stay still. gawd knows why.
So much so that i was fucking annoyed, and i got off the bed.
but not only the three of us were on the bed, there were many more people lying around.
Random event to take note of: Im invited to this fucking huge house party at some 3 storey bungalow, 15th of may, there'll be about 900+ people there, AND its an all white party. Means that i gotta dress completely in white (how the hell am i gonna do that).
Fariz's Godbrother is hosting it. and he's prolly some hella rich dude luh, can host these kinda bigass parties.
So Fariz could only invite a few people, and im honoured im one of them. HAHAHA.
Fariz said im his "date" for that night. But not like DATE-DATE luh, just kinda like, pretend. Afterall, im Fariz's lil sister, he looks after me, he would NEVER date me. Like INCEST sia.
OKAYOKAY. i officially cant wait for the 15th. Fariz will pick me up from my house, and we'll whoosh to the house party. AWESOME.
I pray there'll be hundreds of hot guys there, im so gonna ditch Fariz for them man.. hahahaha just kidding.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
"Everything has been said before
There's nothing left to say anymore
When it's all the same
You can ask for it by name
Babble, babble, bitch, bitch
Rebel, rebel, party, party
Sex, sex, sex and don't forget the violence
Blah, blah, blah, got your lovey-dovey sad-and-lonely
Stick your stupid slogan in
Everybody sing along
Babble, babble, bitch, bitch Rebel, rebel, party, party
Sex, sex, sex and don't forget the violence
Blah, blah, blah, got your lovey-dovey sad-and-lonely
Stick your stupid slogan in
Everybody sing
Are you motherfuckers ready
For the new shit? Stand up and admit
Tomorrow's never coming
This is the new shit
Stand up and admit
Do we get it? - No
Do we want it? - Yeah
This is the new shit
Stand up and admit"
-This is the New Shit by Marilyn Manson
His song lyrics hXc weird.
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